How to find the cheapest flights from Pearson International Airport (YYZ) to Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT)
$256 is currently the lowest price for a one-way ticket from Pearson International Airport to Fresno Yosemite International Airport. Return flights start at $428. These prices can change depending on demand.
Don't leave things to the last minute. You're more likely to find cheap flight tickets from YYZ to FAT if you book ahead. Airlines often have some fantastic early bird deals.
If you're willing to be flexible with your travel dates, use the 'Whole month' search function. It'll find the cheapest price across each month when searching for a ticket from Pearson International Airport to Fresno Yosemite International Airport.
Create a Price Alert for cheap flight tickets from YYZ to FAT. There's no need to check every day to find out if fares have fallen. We'll let you know the moment the price changes.
Use filters to find the right journey for you. To see the 'Cheapest,' 'Fastest' or 'Best' flights from Pearson International Airport to Fresno Yosemite International Airport, use the 'Sort by' function. You can also filter by airline, arrival and departure times, and number of stops.
Handy information about Pearson International Airport (YYZ)
The journey from central Toronto to Pearson International Airport takes approximately 49 minutes by public transport. If you ride-share, drive or get a cab, you'll cover the 27 kilometres in 26 minutes or so, depending on traffic conditions.
After a hassle-free start to your holiday? Stay near YYZ. Whether you've booked an early flight from Pearson International Airport to Fresno Yosemite International Airport or want to avoid feeling rushed, these stays are the answer:
Arriving at Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT)
The last thing you want is a lengthy journey to your hotel if you're arriving on a late flight from Pearson International Airport to Fresno Yosemite International Airport. Book one of these accommodation options near FAT instead:
Getting from Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT) to central Fresno
Fresno Yosemite International Airport is approximately 14 kilometres from central Fresno. With a cab or in your own car rental, the drive is about 15 minutes.
Getting there on public transport will take you around 1 hour and 5 minutes.
When to fly to Fresno Yosemite International Airport (FAT)
The quietest month for a flight from Pearson International Airport to Fresno Yosemite International Airport is May, while July is the busiest. Choose the best time to visit Fresno based on whether you prefer a bustling atmosphere or a more laid-back vibe.
Lock in your flight from Pearson International Airport to Fresno Yosemite International Airport for July if you'd like to visit Fresno during its warmest month. Expect temperatures of between 18ºC and 41ºC.
December has average temperatures of between 2ºC and 16ºC. Search for cheap flight tickets from YYZ to FAT around that time if you want to travel in cooler conditions.
More about Fresno
As soon as you've booked your flights from YYZ to FAT, you'll want to find a hotel in Fresno. Make one of these accommodation options your base for exploring this popular destination:
There are so many things to see and do in this city it can be hard to work out where to begin. Forestiere Underground Gardens, Fresno Chaffee Zoo and Shinzen Japanese Garden are major attractions which should feature on any well-planned Fresno itinerary.
Complete your Fresno trip with hotels and a car rental
You've booked your cheap ticket to Fresno Yosemite International Airport — next on the list is finding a great place to stay, and perhaps even your own set of wheels. We've compared prices across hundreds of companies to bring you the top hotels and car rental deals in Fresno.